How to Wrap up Your Year

business ethical business mindset planning productivity Nov 30, 2023
How to Wrap up Your Year

We blinked and found ourselves heading towards the end of another year – how did that happen???

We’re certainly living in uncertain times and jump from one challenge to another. Add this to the pressure of running your own holistic business – it’s been a rollercoaster ride for most of us!

It’s easy to focus on what went wrong and by doing this, you miss out on celebrating the things that went well.

Before you slow down for the holidays, it’s a great time to reflect on and review how the year has been for you. Wrapping up 2023 in a brilliant way will help you to move into 2024, ready for the year.

You can do this for both your business and personal life. It's a great activity to share with family and friends if you want something to do over the holiday once you've had enough of leftovers and cheesy films.

3 Lists

This is simply a way of separating what has happened into different lists, so you can take the appropriate next step.

I find going old school with paper and pens works best, and I use a separate sheet of paper for each list. Allow yourself 5 minutes for each list – limiting the time will help you avoid overthinking it, and you’ll be surprised how much you’ll remember in a short time. Create lists for:

  • Your highs
  • Your lows
  • Things to stop

Your Highs

We often get so sidetracked by all the things that go wrong, we forget how much we actually achieve. This is an opportunity to celebrate all your wins across the year. What went well for you this year? What are you grateful for? If you’re anything like me, you’ll be surprised by just how many there are when you start to download them in one place.

Once you have your list, allow yourself to celebrate each of the high points - remember how good you felt and your sense of achievement. Keep it somewhere you can refer to it when you need a little booster of what has gone well and knowing what has worked in your business and life, will help you to plan to do more of those things next year.

Your Lows

Take a little time to acknowledge the low points, but don’t spend too long engaging with how you felt. Use this exercise to consider what you can learn from the different experiences.

Recognise if there was something about the situation that you could have done differently. This awareness is a point of reference, should a similar situation arise in the future. It will also help you with your plans for next year by knowing some of the areas of your business that require a different approach.

Once you’ve learned what you need to know, it’s time to make peace with or accept the low points so you can move on because constantly analysing them will get in the way of you taking action.

If you feel stuck by these challenging times, use your preferred personal development method (NLP, EFT, journaling etc.) or talk them through with your coach, or a trusted friend or business buddy to support you with this.

Things to Stop

Think about the things (including situations and people), that have held you back, or got in your way over the past year. See this as decluttering your business and life - it can include anything from having a big sort-out to cancelling subscriptions or dropping one of your services. This exercise will free up your time and energy to spend on the things that will make a difference to you.

Giving myself permission to stop working as a practitioner last year was a huge turning point for me. It gave me the time and space to focus on where I feel I can make the biggest impact with my business - supporting other holistic practitioners to do the work they're meant to be doing.

It's one thing to think about letting go, but action is key to success here. Create a plan of action for yourself so you know what you need to do - simply identifying the first step for each thing will help you here.

Letting Go

A symbolic ritual of letting go of the lows, and the things to stop is a great way to release you, freeing you up and ready for the New Year.

Write each item onto a separate piece of paper and then burn or shred them one at a time. And with each one, say what you need to, to release you for 2024.

Finish on a High

What are the three things you’re most proud of achieving in 2023? It doesn’t matter whether they’re a mixture of personal and business things - you achieved them. Notice how you feel when you think of them and allow yourself to celebrate that feeling as a reminder that you've got this!

I hope this has inspired you to wrap up your year so you're ready for your new adventures next year.

Holistic Hub Mastermind - Doors Open

I'm opening the doors to the Holistic Hub Mastermind for new members to join my small and exclusive mastermind group starting January 2024.

Join a small group of amazing practitioners, all supporting each other to build a successful business - on their terms. You will have access to 1:1 coaching with me as well as support from the group in weekly catch-ups, masterminding sessions, and a WhatsApp group. You also get access to my library of masterclasses and other resources I have from being in business for over a decade.

We'll be your cheerleaders and help to keep you moving forward to create the business of your dreams. Find the full information here.

Your success matters and Iā€™m here to help! Let's have a chat so I can learn more about you and your business, answer your questions, and recommend your best next steps.