How to Realign Your Holistic Business

business ethical business finding clients planning May 12, 2022
How to Realign Your Holistic Business

Whilst the best practice is to consistently review and adapt your holistic business, it’s particularly important to review and realign it when you’re going through periods of change. This can be personal, professional, the environment – anything that directly influences you and your business.

I’ve recently been redesigning my business and I’m in the process of making some big changes. I knew in my gut things needed to change, but I hadn’t quite figured out what, or how, so I continued as I was.

Then, something triggered an idea and suddenly, I knew what I had to do. Here's how I got myself out of feeling stuck in messy indecision and moving forward again - feeling excited and motivated.

It’s time to stop and re-align yourself and your business to end the year on a high.

Revisit your why and your vision

Remind yourself of why you do what you do – what is it that lights you up about your work? What are you passionate about? Reconnecting with this will help you to ensure your vision is aligned with you and your values.

Your vision is a compass for your business and will help you make decisions that are aligned and understand where to focus your time and energy.

Review your vision to make sure it’s still relevant and identify anything that’s changed. Ask yourself, is this still right for me? What would I change if there were no limits?

Here's a blog and podcast on creating your vision if you need help with this.

Reality check

Work out what you’ve achieved so far this year and understand how well your business is doing. Allow yourself to celebrate and acknowledge your achievements as they’re often overlooked, especially when things get busy.

Are your goals still relevant for you and your business or have things changed? Do you see enough clients to cover your bills and pay yourself? Are you working the hours and in the way, you want to?

Review your clients

Who were your favourite clients to work with? Where did you do your best work?

Keeping this client in mind, consider how they’re feeling right now – what are their struggles? Has anything changed for them in the current environment? Do they need help in different ways than before?

Were there any challenges when working with your clients that you can learn from to make your business run smoother in the future?

Use these insights to consider if there is something you need to change when working with your clients that will add even more value to your services.


Identify what is working in your practice and what isn’t. This can be in any area of your business and a few small changes can make a huge impact and save you both time and money. You may find some systems have gotten overly complicated, or you’re spending time on marketing activities which aren’t achieving any results.

These things are no longer serving you and it's time to stop or change them. Make sure everything you do has a reason and makes sense to your business rather than being something you think you should do.

Pick your project

If you’re anything like me, you have lots of projects you’d love to achieve every quarter. Whilst you may have good intentions, trying to do them all will end in nothing being finished! Focus is your superpower for the next few months. Pick one big project – the one which will make the most difference to your business and focus on that.

Get support

Being in business is probably the biggest personal development exercise you’ll ever do. It will test you to the limits and this is a time where you need your supporters to test ideas, help you navigate the changing landscape and keep you accountable.

I have a business coach, mastermind group and a business buddy who have been instrumental in helping me make the changes I needed to in my business. Without their support, I’d still be spiralling.

Make sure you surround yourself with people who will help you thrive in your business.

If you’re struggling with your marketing and finding clients, book a call with me and find out how I can help you.

Your success matters and I’m here to help! Let's have a chat so I can learn more about you and your business, answer your questions, and recommend your best next steps.