Podcast 89: Creating Content for Your Holistic Business

content marketing ethical marketing finding clients marketing podcast Nov 04, 2021
Creating Content for Your Holistic Business

If you want to find clients through your website, you need to add regular content to it. By this, I mean adding helpful and interesting information to your website - consistently.

Your website isn’t something you can set up and leave, it requires consistent attention if you want it to work properly for you. You can do this by adding content to it that helps your favourite client solve their problems and understand how you can help them.

The more helpful content you produce, the less likely you’ll have to sell your services. People will come to you knowing you can help them so it’s a great fit for a holistic business.

Your content also lets Google know what you do so when someone is searching for a solution, you’ll be more likely to show up in the results.

If you see your website as your hub, you can then share your content out to other platforms like social media. But you want to build a library of information on your website first – it is an asset that you own rather than building up your business on platforms where the rules can change at any point.

Focus on producing one core type of content which can then be repurposed in other ways. Pick one that suits your strengths, and you enjoy doing it as you are much more likely to be consistent with it. For more on this, check out podcast 87.


If writing is your strength, blogging is a great option for you. If you’re just starting with content marketing, it’s also one of the least technically demanding ways of adding content to your website. Writing posts can help you build your confidence, especially if you’re nervous about recording your voice or putting yourself on camera.

Writing articles allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and is a versatile way of creating content. They can be short and to the point, provide step-by-step instructions, or you can go in-depth on a topic.

Creating written content is very important for your website as it tells search engines what is on the page. Even if you create other types of content such as podcasts, infographics, or videos, they will need text to accompany them, even if it’s a simple summary of the content.


If you love creating artwork, infographics are a visual way of sharing information clearly and quickly. Use them to share knowledge, data, tips, and step by step instructions in a way that is engaging and interesting.

Infographics are great to use on your website, but also brilliant to share on social media as they are visually appealing and will attract engagement.

You can then create your own infographics in software like Canva, or for best results get a graphic designer to do it. But, whoever produces the artwork, keep the design in keeping with your brand so there is a recognisable look and feel to them.


If you love talking, podcasts are a great way to create content and connect with your audience. Podcasts are popular as listeners can literally consume them on the go whether that is walking the dog, at the gym, or driving the car. There is no limit to the length of a show, and they can vary between a few minutes to over an hour.

When you listen to a podcast regularly you feel like you know the host personally. You start to build a relationship with them and have a sense of who they are and what they stand for. This is what makes them such a powerful marketing strategy for practitioners.

I created a series of fifty podcasts with a colleague a few years ago. Listening to them today, I cringe! They feel dated and a little amateur because we didn’t really know what we were doing. When we started, we wrote, recorded, and edited them ourselves. But they continue to attract clients, years after they were produced and provide value to our clients. When clients are researching our training, they listen to them and get to know us and our style. When it comes to picking a practitioner, we’re the first choice because they already know us.

If you don’t want to put your face on video but love talking, podcasts are great for building a connection with your audience.

Check out podcast 9 – which covers the considerations for whether you should create a podcast and how to get started.


Video is becoming increasingly important for anyone who wants to improve their presence online and is the first choice of media for most online marketers.

Video is a brilliant way to connect with your audience and add content to your website. It’s the best way for people to really get a sense of who you are and your style. It is also one of the least utilised versions of content created by practitioners. You can really stand out from the crowd if you produce videos. I certainly recommend you have at least one video on your website introducing yourself and your services.

Create helpful videos for your clients and potential clients in the form of a vlog (video blog). Vlogging has become increasingly popular, with people earning a living from producing their own video shows. Vlogs don’t have to be super polished, but they have to provide value and be published consistently. There is the option to create live videos on social media and save them to use as a vlog later.

The second biggest search engine is YouTube, which is owned by Google. Having your own YouTube channel and creating videos will increase your chances of being found online.

Podcast 14 outlines how to create a video for your holistic business.

Get help with your content creation

I have a practical masterclass which I’m running live again on 23rd November 2021 and there will be a self-study version after. And a special bonus, if you’re listening before Friday 12th November, I’m offering a special early bird rate.

I will walk you through picking your platform, finding inspiration and creating your content ideas and you'll finish with your own, personalised content plan ready to start creating regular, consistent content.

It includes a comprehensive workbook for you to complete, templates to help you create your content and a calendar of health and wellbeing awareness days, weeks and months for 2022. Find out the full details here.

Podcast 89 show notes:

  • (03:10) Blogging
  • (04:20) Infographics
  • (05:42) Podcasting
  • (07:53) Video
  • (10:12) Get help with your content creation

Podcast 87 – Marketing to your strengths for your holistic business

Podcast 9 – Should you create a podcast for your holistic business

Podcast 14 – how to create a video for your holistic business

Making Content Creation Simple Masterclass

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